London Irish Network - Multi Activities Social Club

Multi-Activities Social Club

The Committee

a) The members must elect a committee to manage the affairs of the club as specified below.

b) The committee shall consist of at least 7 members of the club, although a maximum of 11 is allowed.

c) The exact number in a given year to be advised by the outgoing committee and ratified by the AGM.

d) The committee shall be unpaid, however, committee membership fees may be waived at the discretion of the AGM.

e) Each Committee shall be valid for 1 year, and shall be deemed to be dissolved at the AGM following the one at which the committee was formed.

f) Any committee vacancy, which occurs between AGMs, may be filled by a member of the club who has been co-opted by the committee.

g) If the number of co-opted members should exceed one-third of the total number of committee members however, an extraordinary general meeting must be called within 30 days to confirm such appointments.

h) A committee member who misses 3 consecutive committee meetings without adequate explanation shall be deemed to have resigned.

i) The committee shall consist of the following;

i. A Chairperson who will address general meetings of the club, chair committee meetings and the AGM.

ii. A General Secretary who will keep the minutes of the club meetings, present these on request to the members, and undertake any correspondence required.

iii. A Treasurer who will keep an accurate record of all moneys received and spent by the club, who will be responsible for keeping membership informed as to the state of the club’s finances & who will draw up an annual account of the clubs income & expenditure at the end of the financial year.

iv. A Publicity Officer whose responsibility will be publicising the club.

v. A Membership Secretary whose primary responsibility shall be the maintenance of up-to-date membership records.

vi. An Event Co-Ordinator whose primary task shall be ensuring quality programme production to appointed deadlines.

vii. A Website Co-Ordinator who is responsible for the proper operation of both the LIN website and database.

viii. Other Committee Members as required to assist in club administration, promotion, and organisation of major events.

k) At committee meetings, decisions will be reached by agreement of a simple majority of members present provided:

i. That more than half of the committee members are in attendance.
ii. All committee members have been given adequate prior notice of meeting.

J) The Chairperson at any meeting will only have a casting vote. If the club’s elected Chairperson is unable to attend such a meeting, another member will be asked to substitute for the purposes of chairing that meeting only.

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